Friday, 22 June 2018



"Algorithms not only calculate structural integrity, but the behaviour of the natural within a timeless context, in order to transform the theoretical into the practical."

The design went through many stages before its final proposal. First, I started off with colored blocks in a bubble diagram style.

These were some hand written notes that allowed me to convert the spaces into the correct scale for the diagram. The next step was to consider where I wanted each segment to go. This helped me to decide where I considered things to be naturally placed next to each other. For example, the staff near their research space or the students meeting room next to their studio. 

This adaptation to the bubble diagram allowed me to start to visualize and imagine how the building was going to look like.  

After that, there were some concept developments. My spare time at work allowed me to think of how I imagined the structure would be like. This sparked the idea of 'entanglement' or blocks supported by the trees. This was assisted mainly by floating the trees in the air and spending time around the Squarehouse. 

There were two idea paths that came before the final product. Both were either altered or scraped from the process.

It was hard to make and play around with. The Artisan tool did make it a little bit more realistic but additional details (hanging branches to the ground, leaves) were too difficult to create.

This idea originated Toyo Ito's sendai mediatheque. However, I found it difficult to adapt and incorporate it within my own design so I left it out, keeping the central roots. 

Eventually using several plans, I came up with a rough model of my final design.

Mies van der Rohe Brick Country House  => Research Hub

Building Over Ruins => Student Hub

Zaha Hadid Vitra fire station => Student Studio and Gallery

The final design came from many other plans which I adapted into my own design. These plans really helped me decide how to fit my buildings into the root structure. Studying these plans was worth the time as it ultimately helped me finalize my building.

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